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Sunday, 31 May 2015

Christy Cornell 3 hrs · Edited Genetics. Both dogs are "playing" with the horse.

Here is a perfect example of the type of post you'll find on Dangerous Dogs which is a hate driven grotty little hate group on facebook and part of the the Anti-Pitbull Lobby.....

Both dogs are "playing" with the horse.
The collie goes for the heels, barks and wants to drive. Basically moving or holding the animal by intimidation, pressure of its presence, but not a lot of contact. A lot of noise and not a big chance of the animal being killed. Typical herding dog behavior.
The pitbull goes for the face, throat. Just like a gripper bred bulldog type would do if it was baiting or holding an animal for the butcher to slaugher. This pit is obviously not seriously trying to atack the horse, but there's a fine line between playing turning into something more serious. I wouldn't be surprised if this poor horse ends up getting it's nose severly damaged by the pit's play one day or if this play turned into a full on mauling.
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Genetics Christy says! lol, well neither of these 2 dogs

have a clue what their genetics are telling them because 

the collie's idea of herding leaves a lot to be desired?, it 

seems to be just standing there barking and then 

looking back at the owner looking for confirmation that

it's doing what the owner wants?

Typically this is about the extent of the effect of genetics

the collie maybe thinks it wants to herd the horse 

according to pitbull hating christy Cornall whereas all

I see is a dog that doesn't have a clue??

And as for the pit-bull if that's what it actually is, maybe 

it's one of them pitbulls bred for competitions like 

jumping off platforms into water because it's got the 

whole bite rip maul thing arse about wouldn't you say?

  • 8 people like this.
  • Christy Cornell Sadly, if you look at the comments for these two videos, it is about equal in the comments of people trying to warn the horse owner about the dangers of this verses the comments from people who are saying this is the dog playing and no big deal. 

    ...See More
    3 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Julia Lewis That pit should not be allowed to jump up at that horse.
    2 hrs · Like · 1
  • Deb Brown Hopefully the horse will put a stop to it!
    1 hr · Like
  • Dawn Dalyce I hope that horse stomps that pit bull.

Always wishing death on pitbulls even happy ones that 

haven't hurt a fly?

  • Nicholas Valentine As in so many instances where problems occur with animals there is usually human error involved . There is serious risk of injury here to all the animals concerned and the owner should never allow this sort of interaction to take place . Christy and Julia you are right in saying that this sort of " play " can quickly turn bad.

 These people try to disguise their hatred for pitbulls and their

owners as some sort of Public Safety Advocacy, when in actual

fact it's breedism against APBT's and discrimenation against 

their owners plain and simple??

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