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Wednesday 3 June 2015


These morons are sillier then we all thought here's a prime example of Public safety advocacy DBO style these Dimwits steal my picture off my profile and then MEME it with lies (normal operating procedure for pitbull haters and Dbo militia alike).

Then when I comment asking to prove either of their claims or remove my pic,  you can see their response for yourself., as per expected FACEBOOK does diddly squat when I complain, their complaint department is about as useful as tits on a bull!!

Oh and Mellon Collie, I'm actually 147 lbs at 5' 8" hardly a fat man idiots oh and FYI eventually FACEBOOK will act they took your silly TERRY DOLT page down and someone got facebook jail time (pmsl at these fools) and I'm sure you all are heading the same way..

The foamers follies are compelled by the complete lack of evidence supporting their murderous plot and is it any wonder BSL is falling when the main supporters (all 15 of them) are druggos, bartenders, murderers and psychiatric patients all carrying anti freeze razor blades etc etc etc

One of my favorite cultists is DAWN DALYCE (fake name probably) she's forever coming out with gems like this one...

The culties are getting desperate.

Keep up the good work we couldn't be wooping BSL with 

out all your help Dawn! pmsl!!!

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