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Monday 12 December 2016

Can anyone tell me if these pups have pit bull?

Now over on the Facebook pit bull hate group "Dangerous Dogs" this is what they call public safety advocacy trolling the internet and bully and harass people until they tell you what they think you want to hear just to shut you up.

Can anyone tell me if these pups have pit bull?
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Nicholas Valentine Very possibly , but hard to say at that age .
Michael Botterill Can't say for sure, but why take the risk
Shaun Rathy Don't forget that you can have multiple sires within the litter. So although mama may be a GSD mix, there may be 3 or 4 other dogs that got to her resulting in a mixed bag of puppies.
I'd be surprised if there WASN'T any pitbull sires in this group.
Mila Lightfoot I would say yes, especially in the 1st and 3rd pictures. It's a pity because they look so cute as puppies.
Teri Johnson They have Shepard/ mix
Teri Johnson Thanks I am so unsure even they said lab/ Shepard I see no long nose or ears
Stephanie Michelle Garnet I highly doubt Lab. Lab with Shepherd wouldn't give so much white. There must be something else.
Stephanie Michelle Garnet I highly suspect pit/Shepherd possibly plus lab.
Chris Edwards Yes, without a doubt.
Chris Edwards I know this sounds far fetched but some characteristics resemble the much smaller terrier the Jack Russell. It is hard to determine perspective from the pics.
Teri Johnson I got the owner to admit it was a pit bul/l Shepard after I told them my grandson was killed by a pit they were honest then I cant have a PIT BULL!!!
Teri Johnson ty you everyone for your help!!

At least her fellow members are making more sense with legitimate information but she insists they're pit bulls and won't stop until the woman allegedly admits as much apparently.

The fact is the poor person probably doesn't even know what breed they are after all mixed breeding are rarely intentional after all and quite often the dog conceives when the owners not even around and the fact is it's anyone guess what breeds are in these puppies without doing a Dna test but these people construe this type of behavior to be in the best interests of the public.

Well it's not, it's bullying so stop it please.....

more to come.....