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Tuesday 3 March 2015

Earl Upham February 26 at 10:08am AKC are bought and paid for!

Right breed for you? American Staffordshire Terrier information including personality, history, grooming, pictures, videos, how to find a American Staffordshire Terrier and AKC standard.
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Elizabeth Honce People should sue the akc when they get one based on this info and it attacks.
  • Jan Smith All of the AKC 'breed descriptions' are fiction. They're advertising texts, not intended to be real information.
  • Earl Upham I think they should be able to implicate everyone involved. All the Dog Experts like Cesar Millan, and anyone else who says they can be and are good family dogs. I suppose if you are a family of killers it might be an appropriate breed. With any luck their sweet animals will give them the kiss of death.
  • Elizabeth Honce If they reliEdon the akc in getting the dog, and it then attacks them, they should try to sue even if it's a longshot, to put an end to this false advertising.
  • Earl Upham I pulled this in from Daxton's in case you did not read it. There was a lot to read and this is about half way through. Worth reading. 
    “As a pediatrician I was disturbed to read Vicki Hearne’s assertion that there are no bad b
    ...See More
  • Earl Upham My above mention of Doctor Robert D. Newman was because the AKC had released "The Complete Dog Book" and it included information about dog breeds considered "not good with children" and he said it was sad the book was being recalled at the request of breeders. Above I mention in a later post that I have purchased both the revised version and the one that was recalled. I am excited to see what dirty deeds we will find. Certainly enough to implicate them. I will be willing to share any info from the book that will be helpful.
  • Julia Dolan Green Yes, now it's all coming back to me. And you know, those implicated breeds are also just not safe for *anyone, really.
  • Eve Sylvie 1980 edition says "in mentioning the gameness of the Staffordshire ... Necessary in giving the correct origin and history of the breed."
  • Eve Sylvie They used the term "dead game" here.
  • Julia Dolan Green "Dead game". So telling . . .
  • Eve Sylvie They note the "unusual" characteristic that these dogs easily accept a new master. Wouldn't that be the opposite of loyal?
  • Julia Dolan Green Yes. Yes, it would be.
  • Jeff Borchardt "The desire of some people like Hoffmann to portray pit bulls as anything other than the ticking time bombs that they are is a great disservice to the public. Dogs selectively bred for hundreds of years for the repulsive sport of dogfighting. When Susan walked into her back yard carrying Dax on that snowy day in March, they viciously attacked them. The result of Susan’s two well-raised pit bulls turning “dead game.” It was a struggle so violent that the metal gate to the dog run was ripped down. Blood covered her backyard along with all of my son’s clothing. In addition to inflicting catastrophic injuries, the dogs stripped my son naked." --- Read more:
  • Harve Morgan You'll find that the groups that call themselves 'responsible pet owners' are usually breeders, not rescues.
  • Jan Smith They never tell that the so-called AmStaff was based on John P. Colby's line of child killer pit fighting bulldogs.

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