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Tuesday 3 March 2015

Heather Jackson Proof that they are weapons , not pets. Soldiers that have anxiety need a legal weapon ..... This is disaste

For the love of animals. Pass it on.
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  • Rachel Q Acosta If they didn't get dismembered over in afganistan then they may over here awesome idea. Push them onto true victims of war.
  • Anthony Michael Ridge this is crazy! What the hell is wrong with people?! If humans could justify it they would claim a ham sandwich a service product!
  • Gail Cousart Turner This is exactly what I was worried about the other day when I posted about service dogs. I even had someone tell me they were going to get a "fake" certificate for their "emotional support" dog so they could rent an apartment. I don't know what kind of dog it is, but it doesnt matter because it sets a dangerous standard. Will no place be safe?
  • Jamie Carter Park Why do we not do this crazy stuff for beagles, chihuahuas, or cattle dogs?
  • Heather Jackson Proof that they are weapons , not pets. Soldiers that have anxiety need a legal weapon ..... This is disaster
  • Jennie Conway Yep that way the have access to everywhere and can find more victims!
  • Laurie Anne First reaction -why not to try to save ALL breeds of shelter dogs this way? ....But moving on.... It is a sweet dream that the wounded can aid the wounded and make a perfect world. In my practical view, however, breed is a reliable indicator of behavior and temperament, and, apart from sympathy for an overbred misfit dog languishing unwanted in large numbers in shelters, dogs bred to bait and fight are not obvious choices for service dogs. The culture of pit bull as pets advocacy - the blaming the victim stuff, for one - has got to change. All service dogs, regardless of breed, need to be held to an exceptionally high level of even temperament and obedience and docility in social situations, and there needs to be a way for citizens to choose not to associate with molossers, especially when we have to take someone's word that their dog is a service dog, rather than having a reliable certification. I don't want my child to be bitten because someone's "protective" service dog felt threatened; I don't want them to be growled at. The laws need to be clear. In the meantime, I avoid iffy dogs where ever they turn up.

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