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Tuesday 3 March 2015

Heidi Schold February 26 at 10:28pm · Racine, WI · Edited This morning I was horrified to see a friend of mine post on facebook - "10 photos that will have you changing your mind about Pitbulls". I had to reply since the pic with the post was a very large Pit laying next to a newborn. I told her that pic was horrifying and no large breed pet owner should ever let their dog near or lay their baby on top of a large breed dog

This morning I was horrified to see a friend of mine post on facebook - "10 photos that will have you changing your mind about Pitbulls". I had to reply since the pic with the post was a very large Pit laying next to a newborn. I told her that pic was horrifying and no large breed pet owner should ever let their dog near or lay their baby on top of a large breed dog. She responded "any dog" I replied well a small dog could hurt a newborn, a large dog could kill one very quickly. I think posting something like this only proves that these owners should be arrested for child endangerment and they make very poor decisions...Why do you never see posts promoting other breeds with newborns laying all over them, I'm guessing because they don't have to prove their dogs are harmless. I was trying to be somewhat nice since I have been friends with her forever, she does know my beagle was attacked by a Pit, and I usually ignore her posts because I know she loves her dog, but this one made my blood pressure rise. Rant over... lol
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  • 24 people like this.
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe She's trying to bait you, trust me. A lifetime of friendship, even a loving familial relationship, will not save you from the remorseless and tasteless propaganda produced by a Pit Nutter.

    A friend who knows your pet was attacked, a TRUE friend, would post no such thing. But THAT friend, for all your shared history, is a Pit Bull Nuttress.
    ...See More
  • Jeffrey Sloan It really isn't about large dogs vs small dogs. It's about what a specific dog is for. A type of dog created over hundreds of years of selective breeding to enthusiastically tear apart a non-threatening animal for no particular reason is not a good cho...See More
  • Heidi Schold I completely agree Jeffrey, Honestly I wasn't up for the fight since I know she is friends with all these rescues I didn't want to fight all day with a bunch of people who honestly ignore the facts, but to put a baby on any dog is not a smart idea, to put a baby on a dog that can rip a baby in half is just crazy.
  • Laurie Anne I agree with Lesley. Very poor taste and judgement for her to do this to you. On some level as well, she is trying to invalidate your experience, and she is placing more value on a dog than you, a person. I don't blame you for not wanting to have her crazy friends jumping on you. But it's a cult, and cultists disrespect friendship and forget courtesy.
  • Earl Upham I had a friend of 45 years tell me to go f@#K myself and hang up on me and remove me from being friends on Facebook because of Pits. Am I happy about it? No but as far as I am concerned we are finished if he chooses to be ignorant. Ignorant is the word I use for most people since they flap their gums all day long but never, never, actually do any research or read anything themselves. Personally I don't call them nutters and never will because I believe most are just ignorant. That does not include those who directly profit from Pits. The time is a coming and the tide is turning in our favor I believe and it is because of social media.
  • Heidi Schold Sorry to hear that, we kind of respect each others space, she's snowed by all the "its all in how they are raised crap" and I tell her its bred into them, but to post a baby next to a monster dog is just irresponsible, I ignored it, went back to it 3 times then had to comment... I was however thinking if her other pit friends start attacking I will go all "educated in canine awareness" on their asses lol
  • Penny Spears I truly believe people who create and post those photos are mentally ill. In the face of so much evidence that dogs kill and maim chldren, they still do this. I'm sure they probably gate stairs, cover outlets, teach their children about "stranger danger," yet turn a blind eye to what could happen. Even out of an abundance of caution, you'd think they'd keep their child away. Mental illness is the only explanation.
  • Heidi Schold OMG you summed up exactly how I felt about the post! I mean lets put my baby on a mountain lion and take a photo!
  • Jamie Carter Park My beagle isn't tiny but his life long dream is to be surrounded by children. So I think it is more a breed thing than a size thing.
  • Paris Wolf I saw that post. Putting the child in bed with the pit, the pup may result in the the dog seeing the baby as a litter mate. 

    Guess what littermates do with each other? They play with each other. How do they play,? Much of it involves the mouth. Th
    ey nip, bite, knock down the littermates. 

    Puppyhood is prime socialization time, as the pups learn to control their bites and act like adults. They are setting this pup up to possibly fail if they do this all the time. And the child could well end up hurt by this dog.
  • Bobby Logan There are no nanny dogs.
  • Todd Travasos I agree. The owner should be arrested for child endangerment. The post was in poor taste. Pit bulls will turn mean in a heartbeat and are not pets

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