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Tuesday 3 March 2015

Lynne Smith April 4, 2014 · Edited NOTE TO PIT BULL LOVERS WHO JOIN THIS GROUP

#1 We already know all dogs can be dangerous, we don't need you to educate us on this, that's not the issue - the issue is that some dogs are more dangerous more often due to their genetics. Volume of attacks.
#2 How wonderful your dog is up to this point or how wonderful your positive experiences may have been with pit bulls does not erase any of the attacks or issues surrounding them. Your limited personal experiences cannot be substituted for facts that apply to a whole breed/type
#3 We have nothing against baked goods here
#4 Insults, threats, personal attacks, getting your friends in to gang up on someone, and general rude behavior will not be tolerated. Watch your language - posts with the F word will be deleted! That goes both ways people! This is an open page and people can see what you say.
#5 Spamming the page with pit bull propaganda pictures, memes, etc. will also not be tolerated. One picture is not spamming folks!
#6 Should not have to be said but since it always seems to be a problem - don't assume you know what other people are thinking or what their opinion is. Read through some threads and ask. You don't want your pit bulls being stereotyped, don't stereotype people. And never accuse people of hate or wanting to kill dogs.
#7 Be open to the possibility that we may be right about a few things! Respect opinions that differ from yours and try to see things from others' perspectives.
#8 This is an all breed page, I wrote the notes aimed at pit bull lovers because they seem to be the only ones having issues with the page and behaving respectfully here.
#9 Members of this group who block admins (myself or Julia Lewis) will be removed from the group. This policy is so that we can best communicate with and monitor the entire group.
#10 Please be aware that this is a PUBLIC GROUP. Anyone can read what you write even if they are not a member, and there are some pit bull advocates who make it a mission to stalk and screenshot "haters" for the purpose of going after them. Private groups do exist for victims and others who would prefer it. The purpose of this group is a public discussion however, so others know they are not alone in their thinking, and people of all viewpoints are allowed as long as they are respectful. Again, if this does not seem like the right place for you, PM me or Julia and maybe we can find you a better home.

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