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Friday 6 March 2015

Lynn Smith and her fellow "Public safety Advocates"attacking a school girl!

She threatens to delete all haters. So let's not be haters. Let's just educate her. Be unemotional, perhaps provide minks without saying a word. Maybe she will learn something, maybe she's not interested in learning, only one way to find out.
The Dog Breed Stereotype  Project's photo.
The Dog Breed Stereotype  Project
  • Pete O'Nair
  • Lisa Stockdale
  • Stephanie Eberhardt Wooley
  • David Smith
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  • 4 people like this.
  • Anthony Michael Ridge I will have to post and then leave and take 10 breaths and 10 minutes then return, But I will do my best
  • Julie Wall I gave them 3 respected pit bull orgs that recommends that you do not take your pit bull to off-leash parks.
  • Lynne Smith Awesome Julie, you are being so matter-of-fact and calm, that's the only thing that may work with a person like her.
  • Lynne Smith Anthony, why not tackle the Sgt Stubby meme? Get her some links for that one.
  • Julia Lewis Very good comment you made, Lynne Smith.
  • Patricia Forbell So in other words kiss azz NO thanks I"ll pass. Besides those sociopaths will never love humans more then their ticking time bombs.
  • Lynne Smith Appears to be a fake page anyway, Its okay, we've got a good batch of screen shots from the main players.
  • Julie Wall Many of these pit advocates can't even accept what their own camp says about pit bulls. They lack the basic understanding dog breeding 101. They are breed blind and see dogs all as the same. Their denial runs deep that they can't tell the difference Bichon and pit bull.
  • Jan Smith If it had been real, she wouldn't have only had gripper pics. She would have objected to stereotyping spaniels, retrievers, pointers, etc, too.
  • Julia Lewis Good point! Why focus on pits when all those poor spaniels, retrievers, etc are being cruelly stereotyped?
  • Lynne Smith Most pit people take a step back when you provide them info from pit bull groups, but not this one. Went right to the name calling and threats, said she was taking the dog anyway, and suddenly Noah, Cloey and Mary show up? Yeah, okay.
    23 hrs · Like · 1
  • Lynne Smith They have removed my ability to post. Why? Because I wasn't attacking them, I was offering facts from pro-pit sources, refuting their theories and defending myself. The only posts they want is people yelling at them because it fits their narrative. That's why we have to be calm when we address them - drives them nuts. Julie is doing a great job, it won't be long before she is called an idiot and banned too.
    20 hrs · Like · 3
  • Julia Lewis Lynne, your posts were great, very calm and informative. I was amazed that they took them down.
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Lynne Smith I'm not. It does not help their argument to leave them up. They say they are for freedom of speech - but only their speech. Everything they accuse us of - hatred, closed mindedness, ignorance - is what they are. We constantly try to talk to them. How often do we let them in here and what do they do? The insult us, name call, and then leave. It's all they know. And among themselves they love it, think its great. Give one of these posts or a link to one of their pages to someone who doesn't know about this issue, or to a government official. It really opens their eyes to the people they are protecting when they vote against BSL.
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe I stuck one on them - the dead so far of 2015. Doubt it's still there. I think that page is owned by one of the usual culprits who own other angry, hateful, dumb pro-Pittie pages.
    19 hrs · Like
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe It's still there, amazingly. And as suspected, it IS the usual idiots posting on it. and Ohlsen for example. No point in posting; they are in denial about the deaths, even.
    19 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Lynne Smith I think they know Lesley, they just don't care. They are directing less than educated people what to do, so any explanation they throw out seems to fly. The ring leaders understand everything we know, that's why they fight us so hard and that's why they shut us up. You can see them telling the owner of the page to ban me. Why? Because the truth is very dangerous to them.
    19 hrs · Like · 2
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe It's being used as a photo opportunity for maroons to post piccies of their Nanny dogs, and for kids who don't understand dogs per se and who are disillusioned with life in general, to post their sentiments and fuddled psychological alignments with the 'poor misunderstood Pitties'. Page is a douche, 100%.
    19 hrs · Like · 2
  • Lynne Smith No doubt.

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