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Tuesday 3 March 2015

Stu Mahaffey February 26 at 7:20pm I was thrown out of Border Collies Rock group because someone posted a pic of a pit and I couldn't let it go..How can people that own purebreds deny breeding? Most were nuts anyways.

I was thrown out of Border Collies Rock group because someone posted a pic of a pit and I couldn't let it go..How can people that own purebreds deny breeding? Most were nuts anyways.
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  • 8 people like this.
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe They don't like to 'offend'. Not until one of their BC's is hanging, torn and screaming, from a Pit dog's jaws. Then it becomes a whole new ball-game.
  • Carol Miller I got "welcomed out" of an on-line poodle group. These people think there is a slippery slope and their breed will someday be banned if they don't act to prohibit regulation. Very foolish!
  • Stephanie Styles They think their poodles will be banned??
  • Stu Mahaffey Some of them equate human races to dog breeds. For them it might be true,, my Border Collie and your Poodle are smarter than most of them
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe There has been a lot of effort gone into dreaming the Pit dog into the role of 'just like any other dog'.

    Other breed fanciers don't want their activities curtailed - neither ownership nor 'right' to breed from their dogs, or their 'rights' to pick a 
    dog of choice from a wide selection available.

    As we push for mandatory spay/neuter (in the very least) of the Pit dogs that die in their hundreds of thousands in shelters per annum, the other breed fanciers feel their breeds of choice will be swept up in that. That's the problem with dreaming the Pit dog into its unlikely role of 'just like any other dog'. It isn't. It never has been. It was designed to be 'apart' from all other types. Its work was bloody and extreme, and that work has been taken away from it but it remains as it ever was, steeped in its indefatigable genetic soup of aggression and the uncanny, unique ability to fully RECOVER psychologically from that aggression to the point that it passes Aggression Tests AFTER it has brutally slaughtered another creature, its violence against other canines, its long (and lengthening) list of human and other animal fatalities and survivors, its sudden unstoppable violence (and one that it enjoys immensely), its 'need' for SO much protectionism in the form of Pit Bull propaganda, 'hero pitties', 'America's dog', the 'Nanny dog', and more. 

    But to step outside the comfortable box of your OWN breed of choice, and to point a finger and cry 'that dog IS different, so it needs a different set of rules!' is to invite that propagandist protectionism to explode and turn its baleful eye upon your OWN breed of choice. 'Did YOUR Border Collie ever star in a long-running TV show?' (Little Rascals). 'Did YOUR Border Collie ever rescue a family from a burning house/attacker/etc?' 'Did YOUR Border Collie ever become a War Hero (Sgt Stubby)?' 

    Not to the point where it needs broadcasting a million times a day, no, but neither do Border Collies' end up leaving Shelters in black plastic bags by the truck-load weekly. No Border Collie has killed a child at LEAST in the last three years in the States. No Border Collie ever dragged a crippled man from his wheelchair and chomped him to death. No Border Collie ever savaged the pregnant owner that it loved and partially consumed her. No Border Collie crept downstairs to the child that it loved and decapitated him silently as his mother was on a short bathroom break. No Border Collie has been pumped full of bullets, turns and runs for a short distance, then turns and makes ANOTHER charge at the armed cops. No Border Collie has the WILL or the physical strength to pull a grown Bull down to the ground by its nostrils, after weakening the great beast by defleshing its ears, its eyelids, its cheeks, its genitals, its tail, its legs. Working and working at that animal until it crashes to the ground, mutilated and shocked, blood pouring from wounds that look like shark attack victims.

    There are memes that proclaim 'you are my brothers', featuring a Pit dog sitting with Dobermann, Rottweiler and a GSD. 'They are trying to wipe me out, and they will wipe YOU out too!'. Such is the desperation to dream the Pit dog into its new role as 'just like any other dog' - taking it from the pit, and re-naming it a 'pet'. Falsely align it with OTHER dog breeds, and it will escape detection and a different set of rules.

    It aint. And it never will be. And it NEEDS a different set of rules, because it IS different.

    Know your breed of choice. Know its weaknesses as well as its strengths. Know its history, what it was designed to do. And then LOOK at a Pit dog and do likewise. Know it as the deadly enemy of ALL other breeds, including your breed of choice, and turn away from it.
  • Julia Lewis Brilliant, Lesley Karen Luscombe! Please note everybody, members of the public especially, because you could not get a better warning than this about the dangers of pit bulls.
  • Jan Smith These BC and poodle (etc) people are making a big mistake. It's not a slippery slope question of 'your breed next', but one of 'your breed too'. Everywhere a pit bull restriction threatens to be adopted, the pit bull fanatics come out demanding that th...See More
  • Jan Smith I think a good point to post at these other-breed groups is this one: If we don't let authorities restrict or ban the dangerous breeds, all that will be left is for them to restrict or ban all dogs -- including our BCs / poodles / _______ . Then point out that that's what the pit bull people always demand, and the Q 'do we really want to work with them on this?'
  • Dawn Dalyce We are simply going to fail at educating a large percentage of people, because they are UNTEACHABLE... call it stupid, call it breed blind, call it it low IQ or whatever you want to call it. Some people will simply either refuse to...See More
  • Legina Newman Boswell I really really believe it comes down to "you can't fix stupid." And that's what pit owners are.
  • Jen Arevalo Really? Let me go look.
  • Jeffrey Sloan Unfortunately pit sympathizers have wormed their way into many dog fancier groups. I've been kicked out of some groups for calmly stating facts about pit bulls that some didn't want to hear (in response to someone posting about how sweet and misunderstood pit bulls are). Fortunately not all groups are so blindly dogmatic.

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