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Tuesday 3 March 2015

Earl Upham March 1 at 2:32pm Don't want to miss out on luring more people to buy your magazine. Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! I don't know what else to say.

Don't want to miss out on luring more people to buy your magazine. Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! I don't know what else to say.
The magazine's cover story gives a powerful update on the story that broke every animal lover's heart.
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  • 6 people like this.
  • Sarah Halas This world is sick. So in love with these ugly killing machines. Why? I will never understand. It will be a question I have for God. I wish every pit owner got a big bite to the ass from their ever so loving and trusting pit bull. It would make my day!...See More
  • Earl Upham The picture above just happens to show off this dogs powerful traits. What the hell! He was raising these dogs to kill and make him money. The are bad-ass to the bone. The only way I would attempt to separate a Pit from a victim is with a knife. I will not waste a single second because it could mean the difference between life and death. Oh yeah the picture also shows how stupid this dog looks. He has no brain, only blood lust on his mind all the time and wondering when he will get to satisfy it. Shameful asses.
  • Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Never bought it, never will.
  • Anthony Michael Ridge you know Earl Upham I open and CCW carry my weapons and last week 2 patrol cars asked why this and that, and since i knew them i told them my name, didn't have to, but anyway, they asked what they always ask 'why you feel a need to carry a sidearm?' I said all the pit running loose! they said their police Policy is to shoot them if loose, i told them i know, but what do i do until you guys get here? they said good point.
  • Kai J Thompson Good cover to use as target practice
  • Julia Lewis Very good point you made to the police, Anthony Michael Ridge! I hope that made them think. It is in fact a very good reason to carry a weapon with you when out and about.
  • Julia Lewis Acrtually, if everybody did the same, and lots of pit bulls got killed when roaming the streets, I bet pit bull people would think twice about owning such a dog.
  • Anthony Michael Ridge a new member called on my house phone me and and her talked and we talked of victims, her child, I am here for all mothers
  • Julia Lewis You are doing a good job, Anthony Michael Ridge!
  • Anthony Michael Ridge Just had a neighbor who had a pit from birth have to move out. He has a pit named "Mercy", he couldn't keep her with finding a small place on short notice, and no animals allowed on his lease. Anyway after coming back to his apt to pick up a few other things, his beloved "Mercy" Bit him! imagine that! He said he gave her to the previous owner. Now this is a man who has owned this pittie sinch birth and he never beat the dog or any abuse, actually babbied the dog, and he gets bit behind his neck! All the TROLLS that visit this page, PIT BULLS REGARDLESS OF HOW THEY ARE RAISED ARE AND WILL REMAIN UNPREDICTABLE, PERIOD. PERFECT EXAMPLE IS MY NEIGHBOR. VERY MELLOW YOUNG MAN, AND ALL HE DID WAS COME TO GET THE REST OF HIS STUFF FROM A HOME HE HAS BEEN IN FOR 5 YEARS WITH HIS 'MERCY' PIT BULL. SO TELL ME WHAT DID THIS OWNER DO THAT WOULD PROVOKE HIS PET TO BITE HIM? OH WAIT HE WAS MOVING AND DIDN'T GET THE APPROVAL OF HIS MUTANT DOG? oh i see now.
  • Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Let me tell what the so called "trolls" do; they spend the majority of their day scanning any public group dedicated to eliminating victims of pitbulls for any comments they can copy+paste+screenshot. Then they make a list of people like us who comment on these groups & they proceed to obsessively stalk our profiles for any "lucrative information" they can extrapolate from our personal posts & photos we make public, while making fake profiles in attempts to supercede the blocks we set in place to protect ourselves & our families from their mentally disturbed obsessive ways(because many of them exhibit dangerous behavior). Now when they get really desperate because they could find nothing in your profile that they can use against you, they then steal personal photos & attempt to Insult you. Don't forget the time they spend making false propaganda memes & spending dangerous lies to the public.

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