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Tuesday 3 March 2015

Raechel Celeste Smith February 25 at 1:21am I'm resuming the deleting-spree of my friends list after posting this.

I'm resuming the deleting-spree of my friends list after posting this. There are a few fakers who keep reposting non-public posts of mine on "foamer" sites [evidently, they have no lives lol] and I have some spare time to browse my friends list and weed out the possible fakers. If you have been deleted but are trustworthy, feel free to message me. Clara Yori, a local Pitter in my town who brings her Pit into family Chiropractors, is partaking in the bullying pages via lie-filled comments, claiming I am "obsessed" with her, despite the fact that I've brought her public-nuisance behavior up maybe a total of 3 times and found the Hector photo on a PUBLIC blog. Doesn't matter; she and her husband pathologically lie, obviously, and will say whatever they can about me in order to paint themselves in some victim position. They say I'm a narcissist because I like taking selfies and have a lot of albums [most of which are of my children, but they wouldn't know because they aren't on my friends list]--but I'd rather be vain than dangerous. Oh, and they take my comical roles [when I do the "psycho eyes " in skits] seriously. lol Anything to bolster their claims, I guess. When you have no argument, you grasp at straws. But yea, like I said--feel free to message me if you have wrongly been deleted.
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  • 6 people like this.
  • Heidi Schold I'm beginning to believe the majority of Pitters have several screws loose.... sorry that happened to you.
  • Raechel Celeste Smith It's all good. Thank you, though. And yea, their mental wiring is off. They clearly have some hatred against their own species.
  • Mike Hammer You'd have to have a screw loose to take in an animal that for no sane reason at all would kill / eat you, a family member, or some neighborhood child. They also hate on Raechel because she's attractive and most of them are fat nasty trailer swamp donkey material.
  • Raechel Celeste Smith Clara is actually really cute. Her appearance is not her downfall. She's athletic and seemingly nice. It's her Pit-fanaticism and habitual lying in order to bolster her stance that is unattractive and harmful.
  • Mike Hammer hence the 'most' part 
  • Cheryl Brown I don't understand them. If they, as "lovers of the breed" would take responsibility and support legislation the restricts breeding and ownership then the problem would be solved. Instead it seems they want to encourage more irresponsible breeding while attacking anyone that tries to address the problem. It doesn't make sense.
  • Heidi Schold I used to give to rescues and the Humane society but 80-90% of their space is wasted on Pits and God forbid they say anything against the breed or they get attacked by these freaks...
  • Raechel Celeste Smith Exactly, Cheryl. No one is threatening to put a bullet to their dogs' heads; it's about regulation and control and responsibility, all of which they refuse. They want more entitlement than they deserve with their pets, and by bringing a large animal into a family Chiropractor and into kid-filled parks, you're being disrespectful and mindless to everyone else. It may be their legal right to own a personal pet, but it's my legal right to NOT own a personal pet, in this case, to NOT own a Pit/Rot/Doberman, and that's why their dogs should be reserved for dog areas; not public businesses and child-parks.
  • Raechel Celeste Smith I don't wish illness on her pet; I just wish she'd keep her pet her PERSONAL pet rather than a public PROP.
  • Heidi Schold Hey I hear ya, I wont even go to dog parks anymore because they are everywhere and people think its ok to have them unleased and have them say "HI" to my dog which is leashed....
  • Raechel Celeste Smith Yeah, it's all about a reaction. They want to see people fearing their pets so the can "enlighten" us on how sweet they are. Nevermind the fact that many people s imply fear large dogs in general. What ever happened to common courtesy?
  • Heidi Schold The first thing kids under 5 do when they see a dog is try to pet it, and it scares the crap out of me when little kids go running towards them..... I dont get the attraction to these dogs at all, but then again I rolled around the ground with one for 10 minutes as it was trying to kill my dog so I got to see the breed in action....
  • John Wright A common rule to follow when you are loosing an argument or the subject matter is simply beyond your comprehensive ability:
    You can lie about or just fabricate facts and statistics. 

    Proclaim that you are an expert
    But don't say "It's all in how you raise them" or the term "Nanny Dog" (as soon as you do everybody will realize that you have no idea what you're talking about).
    The terms "racist" or "bigot"
    Will shame the opponents into submission. 
    I enjoy trying to understand some people's thought process while listening to them.
  • Raechel Celeste Smith There. I had over 1,000 friends, and now I'm down to 300.
  • Raechel Celeste Smith I have a whole lotta friend requests sent my way that I am overlooking unless they send me a personal message.
  • John Wright Dogs are about #3 on my list of priorities to be delt with in today's world. 
    Survival of our country comes first to me.
  • Margaret Wilson I understand that this is an emotional issue. We all love our dogs. There comes a time when you have to look at the facts/statistics. I have 8 dogs but I also live on a ranch. None are PBs either. I have 3 LGDs that protect the livestock. They are big and many people are afraid of them. I haven't seen a documented instance of them killing or maiming a child.
  • Julia Lewis Waht are LGDs Margaret?
  • Margaret Wilson Livestock Guardian Dogs. Most common in the US are probably Great Pyrenees. Lots of breeds out there. You usually see a big dog, or several, living in the pasture with the sheep.
  • Raechel Celeste Smith I think it's more a public safety issue than emotional. We're humans and will always have emotions, but public safety is something everyone must respect and obey and follow through wit in order for a civilized, safe community. I have to go wash my face, but regarding my original post here, if you were deleted then please refer to my recent status and message me.
  • Margaret Wilson It should be a public safety issue but PB owners refuse to see it that way.
  • John Wright I have always loved dogs and would go to any extent to protect them on my property. If they get off my property they may be on their own. 
    "BUT" if it ever came to the point that I was looking at a hungry child Fido would be on the pit (no the other kind of pit).
    The well being of a child or any innocent person comes before that of an animal.
  • John Wright One of my friends got upset when I told her that Carl was going to get eaten in the second episode of the Walking Dead this season. Carl was one of the dobermans that attached them.
  • Paris Wolf I am a goody. Safe.
  • Eve Sylvie Protect yourself. We can still interact on pages and groups!
  • Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Share any names you delete. I just got a friend request from an obvious pitbull apologists, but I blocked her.
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Jeffrey - did you see Margaret's stock guardians, above? I like your posts, Margaret. Stock Guardians are interesting and worthy dogs.
  • Jan Smith I love it! "I'd rather be vain than dangerous."
    If you're a narcissist, then you're the most delightful narcissist I've ever seen.
  • Jeffrey Sloan I love LSGs - aka LGDs. It's a pity I have such a small piece of property or I'd have a few of them. Great Pyrenees are a favorite. Gentle giants, who really are protective of their flock.
  • Heidi Schold Ok I give up what is LSG and LGD's lol I keep trying to figure it out
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Livestock Guardians and Livestock Guardian/Guarding Dogs. Like the big fluffy dog pictured above, courtesy of Margaret.
  • Heidi Schold THANK you I kept thinking it was a breed, so I was stumped...
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Check out Great Pyrenees; lovely dogs.
  • Heidi Schold they are so soft and sweet! I truly appreciate most breeds... except the breeds that will kill the others 
  • Jeffrey Sloan Many a Great Pyrenees owner has a tale of how their big fluffy teddy bear morphed into a monster to protect them. Closely related dogs are the Kuvasz and Maremma. Other LGS breeds include the Anatolian shepherd, Kangal, Caucasian Shepherd and the Central Asian Shepherd.
  • Julia Dolan Green Jeffrey, I hear many similar stories about wolfhounds. They aren't big on protecting property but will protect their person.

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